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Orca Daily Bag

Hög kvalitet Hög kvalitet
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Brett utbud och sortiment Brett utbud


The new Training Backpack combines a casual design with the compartments that every triathlete needs in their day to day. It has five spaces one with padding designed for a computer, another for storing wet clothes and three more compartments for storing everything you need.

The backpack that is adapted to your daily life. COMFORT Its new handles offer an ergonomic adjustment system that allows the backpack to fit perfectly to your body, distributing the weight comfortably.

Also, the chest strap will keep the backpack in the correct position. CAPACITY 25L Backpack.

Dimensions 45cmx30cmx20cm. STORAGE It has five compartments for storing your accessories comfortably.

One of the pockets is padded and specifically designed to store and protect your computer. There is another compartment that is intended for wet or sweaty clothes, and three more spaces that are meant for different uses.


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